Wednesday, July 31, 2019


As you may or may non cognize, an Information System is a aggregation of hardware, package, informations, people, and processs that work together to bring forth quality information and instruction is the procedure of geting cognition. How do people get this cognition you may be believing? Well, they learn from other people such as pedagogues, employers and workers. There are many signifiers of stuffs that are used in instruction. The traditional stuffs would be the text books and manuals used for acquisition tools, but in todays times it ‘s a different narrative. Educators are now turning to computing machines to help them with larning. This new manner of acquisition is going highly popular and is realy distributing fast. Not merely can you utilize information systems inside the schoolroom to attach to face to confront larning but it can besides be used for distance acquisition. Learning has no boundries when it comes to IS. The Internet allows pupil to hold to entree to an eternal sum of information for research intents.Students of all ages can utilize on-line activities that relate to their capable affair and keyboarding accomplishments are being developed at really early ages. In order to succed and derive more cognition about our information-rich society, pupils must be able to utilize this engineering efficaciously, both in an educational scene and beyond. The instructors of today are confronting many challenges and alterations, it is going an progressively more hard occupation because of the immense sums of outlooks. By utilizing engineering in learning it can really assist with many outlooks faced by the pedagogues of today. IS alterations from twelvemonth to twelvemonth therefore it is of import for a instructor to take portion in professional development in engineering. Professional development ensures that engineering is used eficiently and efficaciously in order to make new chances for larning and to advance pupil accomplishment. In a manner, Information Systems have become the anchor of modern instruction. It allows schools to hive away valuable pupil information and assists the disposal section with the direction of the full school. When an IS tool is good to larning, it benefits learning. If an IS tool is good to learning, it in bend benefits disposal and the learning pupils and so on. It is a collaborative attempt which affects all facets of instruction. Teachers can show many IS tools to pupils in order to assistance in the acquisition procedure. Examples of these acquisition tools would be E-learning, Web TC, online categories, construct maps and distance acquisition are all classified as signifiers of instructional engineering. Distance acquisition has many benefits, these include leting pupils to go to categories when the state of affairs does non allow them to go to the on-campus talk, it gives the pupils flexibleness to work on assignments when their agenda permits them to and in bend this releases a pupil from go toing a category where a set twenty-four hours and clip is scheduled. Students besides have the priviledge to make synergistic teamwork between groups every bit good as have the chance to cormmunicate with people from different backgrounds, civilizations from all around the universe. Having IS capablenesss in the schoolroom allows pupils to hold mention stuffs at their fingertips. The web is non merely a beginning for communicating but can besides supply mention for an tremendous figure of subjects. Today ‘s web non merely consists of Web sites where information on assorted subjects can be found but it contains pictures where the ocular scholar can analyze subjects in a manner that they process information. This resource provides pedagogues with prosecuting digital resources to be more effectual in the schoolroom and in bend addition pupil involvement by linking the schoolroom to an abundant sum of information from around the universe. When utilizing such resources, the instructor is now a facilitator in larning the capable stuff and non person who is talking the stuffs like in the yesteryear. The bulk of the determinations made within educational establishments are made from analysing informations this information is collected by the usage of IS engineering. Examples of IS engineering would be an on-line trials ( such as Exam View or Quiz Star ) where pupils take trials online and recieve their consequences about immediatly. This on-line tool so shops the trial and the memo to the trial, but will besides hive away the pupils replies. A study can be instantly generated after the trial has been completed. The information from the studies will instantly be available for instructors so they can be shown where the pupils are fighting. A common illustration of the usage of this engineering in the schoolroom are pupils utilizing computing machines for research undertakings, computing machine package and presentations. Assorted applications are taught to pupils on a day-to-day footing. Due to the fact that today ‘s pupils learn in many different ways, instructors need to calculate out variou effectual methods for them to acquire that information. The regulations of the past bash non use to the pupils of today. Alternatively of the pupils necessitating to accommodate to suit the cast of what the instructor expects, the instructor needs to accommodate the manner they deliver that information to the pupils. IS helps better instruction in the schoolroom due to the fact that it gives the instructor the chance to educate the pupils many different ways. It requires pupils to believe outside the box and acquire a better apprehension of the information that is being presented to them. Students besides have a opportunity to research thoughts on manus and do their acquisition more meaningful and relevant. In the yesteryear, instruction was one dimensional. However, due to engineering altering the ambiance in the schoolroom, instruction is now teacher directed, but pupils can go farther engaged with helping the instructors lesson with the provided engineering at a chink of a button. Teachers besides have to set up a ground for utilizing IS in the schoolroom and have to do the instruction successful for their pupils. In order for learning to be effectual instructors need to let flexibleness in the lessons prepared on a day-to-day footing. In the society of today, information systems are altering quickly twenty-four hours by twenty-four hours. There are many different manners of engineering that can be use to hike acquisition for pupils. These manners of engineering can run from Power Point presentations to mobile laptops with Internet entree for each pupil. With engineering like this in the schoolroom the pupils get a much better quality of larning. Nowdays information systems are going easier and easier to utilize and this makes it more convenient for pupils who wants to make research and happen solutions to there jobs. Students gain cognition through computing machines where engineering is used basically as a coach and serves to increase the pupils basic accomplishments and cognition and where engineering is used as a tool that can be applied to a assortment of ends in the acquisition procedure which can function as a resource to assist develop higher order thought, creativeness and research accomplishments. Communication is highly of import if you want the right message to be delivered. There are many different ways to pass on. Using the right method for its bringing is merely every bit of import. In the past instructors and pupils would do presentations in category and would utilize flip-charts, overhead projectors, or blackboards as their primary medium. Now, we have electronic whiteboards that record what the instructor writes, so pupils can entree the animated or narrated information on a computing machine for alteration after the presentation. Power Point presentations can besides be used, in which we can incorporate text, picture, sound, artworks, links to other paperss, or links to the Internet. This widespread application allows both pupils and instructors to pass on in a truly multimedia format. Social networking sites, electronic mail ( e-mail ) , and web logs ( web logs ) are three more agencies of easing communicating among pupils. Collaboration is now simpler than of all time due to the usage of online tools and package that allows pupils and pedagogues to work together on undertakings. Wikis, web seminars, and video conference calls are a few ways that pupils and instructors can come together and portion information with other pupils and co-workers. Communication can besides be done via the Web. Students can link to the cyberspace by utilizing either Dial-up entree, radio webs, DSL ( Digital Subscriber Line ) , satellite modems or overseas telegram modems. Many schools of today have Web sites that connect users to school calendars, upcoming featuring events, contact information for the school and pedagogues, library resources and a batch more. If IS did non be this would wholly be impossible to make. This method of communicating allows schools relay information to parents and pupils in a timely mode. Lots of schools have incorporated a type of IS that allows parents and defenders to hold entree to their kid ‘s consequences and attending record. In a nut shell parents sign up for their ain user name and watchword and so they have sole entree to this type of information. Via this IS tool, schools can hold 24/7 communicating with parents to inform them of their kid ‘s advancement in each category. When pupils graduate and enter into the on the job universe, they must be equipped with the necessary accomplishments to vie in an international market. An illustration of a accomplishment would being able to video conference which removes the boundaries of a traditional schoolroom. The pupils are able to derive valuable cognition that is outside of the text edition by speaking to pupils in that state. From the pedagogues ‘ point of view, computing machine applications allow for them to take a traditional schoolroom and turn it into a practical schoolroom. In the schoolroom, the assorted types of engineering deliver different signifiers of content and serve many different intents. Examples of this would be word processing and e-mailing which promote communicating accomplishments, database and spreadsheet plans which promote organisational accomplishments, every bit good as patterning package which encourages the apprehension of mathematic every bit good as scientific constructs. Educators and pupils likewise are both looking for better ways to present and larn information. Most educational plans use a computer-based preparation attack. Schools are rapidly accommodating to thse preparation plans and it in bend aids pupils in larning. The benefits that information systems give to the educational procedure are endless.

Food and Hunger Essay

The most pressing factor now limiting the capacity of the earth to support life is the supply of food. Man’s need for food and his current nutritional requirements are all important for his survival. Nutrition is defined as the science of food and its relationship to health. Some of these nutrients are considered to be essential while others are considered to be non-essential. Essential and Non-essential Food Nutrients Essential nutrients are nutrients that cannot be synthesized by the human body and therefore must be derived from food sources. Essential nutrients include vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids and some carbohydrates as a source of energy. Non-essential nutrients are nutrients which the body has the ability to synthesis from other compounds, as well as, from food sources. Nutrients are generally divided into 2 categories, macronutrients, and micronutrients. People are heterotrophs. A heterotroph is a creature that must ingest biomass to obtain its energy and nutrition. All heterotrophs have an absolute dependence on the biological products of autotrophs for their sustenance—they have no other source of nourishment. 1. Macronutrients are fats, carbohydrates and proteins. All three can serve as source of the energy that we need to survive. These nutrients are generally needed in large quantities. Organic. 2. Micronutrients are the substances that an organism must have in its diet in small quantities because it cannot make them for itself or because it cannot make them as fast as it needs them. The nutrients can be divided into vitamins which organic compounds, and minerals which are inorganic. [pic] Malnutrition and Diet. About 20,000 people die of starvation everyday, and at least 10 million children in the world are so malnourished (poorly fed) that their lives are in danger. 1. Starvation means death from lack of food. Most people who are inadequately fed do not actually die because they take in too few calories to sustain life. 2. Some 45 compounds and elements found in foods are considered essential nutrients necessary for the life and health of human beings. 5. General Categories of Nutrients a. Carbohydrates – is an organic compound that consists only of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen b. Proteins -are large biological molecules consisting of one or more chains of amino acids c. Lipids – constitute a group of naturally occurring molecules that include fats, waxes, sterols, fat-soluble vitamins (such as vitamins A, D, E, and K), monoglycerides, diglycerides, triglycerides, phospholipids, and others. d. Vitamins – is an organic compound required by an organism as a vital nutrient in limited amounts e. Minerals are the chemical elements required by living organisms, other than the four elements carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, and oxygen present in common organic molecules. 3. Human nutritional diet can be met by eating some foods from each of the four groups daily. 4 Food Group Categories a. Milk and dairy products are for calcium, proteins and other minerals. b. Meat, fish, poultry or egg for protein, fats and vitamins. (luxury food) c. Grain and starchy vegetables are for carbohydrates, vitamins and proteins. (staple food) d. Fruits and vegetables are for carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and some proteins. World Food Preference The traditional diet of various people in the world differs tremendously. East Africa – berries, grains, vegetables, milk and blood from cattle. Polynesian – coconut, fish bread fruit, taro, tropical fruits and occasional pork and poultry American and Europe – bread, turkey and beef Filipino – boiled rice, fish or meat with vegetable The Politics of Hunger â€Å"The problem of hunger is largely the problem of poverty† The existing nutritional deficiencies results either from insufficient supplies of some or all these foods, or from poverty to ignorance. To comprehend nutritional problems, one must be aware of the problems of: a. Agricultural development and production b. Food distribution and pattern c. Agricultural economics d. Cultural food preferences e. Public health situation Issues in Nutrition Nutrition is the substrate upon which growth and development feed. It is the basic precondition for the maintenance of good health because of its role in the fight against diseases. It remains to be fundamental issue in health. Quite apart from overt diseases due to or abetted by malnutrition, the profound effects on physical and mental development in growing children and work capacity and performance in adults give rise to corollary problems that are difficult to quantify. How, for example, does one measure a lost opportunity due to mental retardation or decreased productivity in the workplace brought about by marginal or borderline nutritional status? The Current Estate of Nutrition in the Philippines: Children in Focus 16th National Nutrition Survey Pedro MRA. Et. al Food and Nutrition Research Institute Department of Science and Technology Conclusion and Implication of the Program? Under nutrition (underweight, thinness, shortness and increasing prevalence of anemia and VAD) affects a significant of Filipino children; the rate of prevalence of undernutrition to children needs to be accelerated. ? Inadequate infant and young child feeding practices including: †¢ Low prevalence and short duration of exclusive breastfeeding †¢ Decreasing consumption of milk and products ? Usual food intake of young child beyond breastfeeding is inadequate in energy, iron, calcium and vitamin A particularly after 12 months of age when milked intake has by then decreased and intake of other food is not sufficient. ? The only day per capita of Filipino household in 2003 was deficient for the most of the nutrients (iron, calcium, vitamin A, riboflavin a, vitamin C) in spite of the consumption of most food groups except fruits and vegetables, legumes and eggs. ? Under nutrition of children are more prevalent among households and mothers with experiences of food security, relation of poverty and nutrition†¦ Philippines Food and Nutrition Program (PFNP) Provides the mandate, political support, overall program design, manpower, strategies and mechanism. Department Of Health (DOH). Its part has embarked specifically targeted supplementary programs. Food and Nutrition Research Institute (FNRI) The institute continues to provide relevant technologies and scientific information on food and nutrition. National Nutrition Council (NNC) This is the country’s highest policy-making and coordinating body on nutrition. Nutrition Foundation of the Philippines, Inc. (NFP) This is a Philippine private, non-stock, non-profit organization engaged in improving the nutritional status of the Filipino community. MALACANANG M a n i l a PRESIDENTIAL DECREE No. 491 June 25, 1974. CREATING A NATIONAL NUTRITION COUNCIL AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES WHEREAS, malnutrition is seriously affecting millions of our people; WHEREAS, malnutrition retards mental and physical development of our children, weakens their resistance to infections resulting in unnecessary loss of human lives through high infant and child mortality rates; WHEREAS, studies indicate that infants and young children, pregnant women and nursing mothers are most vulnerable to malnutrition; WHEREAS, there is a multiplicity of government agencies engaged in various aspects of nutrition activities; WHEREAS, there are various food programs in the country such as the Green Revolution, Masagana 99, Palayan ng Bayan, Masaganang Maisan and others which are aimed at providing for food sufficiency; WHEREAS, there is a close interlinking relationship between food, education and nutrition; WHEREAS, Executive Order 285, series of 1971, vested in the National Food and Agriculture Council the responsibility to coordinate all nutrition programs in the country; WHEREAS, coordination has proven to be of great value in integrating the food and nutrition efforts of the various agencies; WHEREAS, one of the objectives of the New Society is to bring about social, economic, and political reforms to eventually improve the quality of life of every Filipino; WHEREAS, the nutrition program, being concerned with human resource development, is a vital and integral part of social reform and economic development; NOW, THEREFORE, I, FERDINAND E. MARCOS, President of the Philippines, by virtue of the powers vested in me by the Constitution do hereby adopt, approve and make as part of the law of the land, the following: Section 1. Title. This decree shall be known as the Nutrition Act of the Philippines. Section 2. Declaration of Policy. The Government of the Philippines hereby declares that nutrition is now a priority of the government to be implemented by all branches of the government in an integrated fashion. Section 3. Philippine Food and Nutrition Program. An Integrated Four-Year Program involving the government and private sector shall be drafted by the National Council is hereby created. The program shall be approved by the President to be implemented by all concerned. Section 4. Creation of a National Nutrition Council. There is hereby created an agency under the Office of the President, the National Nutrition Council, hereinafter referred to as the council, to be composed of the following officials; The Secretary, Department of Education and Culture The Chairman-Coordinator, National Food and Agriculture Council The Secretary, Department of Health. The Chairman, National Science Development Board The Secretary, Department of Social Welfare The Secretary, Department of Local Government and Community Development The Chairman of the Nutrition Foundation of the Philippines President, Philippine Medical Association One other representative of the private sector to be appointed by the President of the Philippines. In the event that any cabinet member cannot attend Council meetings, he shall be represented by an Undersecretary or Assistant Secretary. Section 5. Functions and Powers. The Council shall have the following functions and powers: (a) To formulate an integrated national program on nutrition. (b) To supervise, coordinate and evaluate the implementation of the integrated Philippine Food and Nutrition Program to be implemented by all agencies and instrumentalities of both the government and the private sector concerned with improving the nutrition of our people. (c) To coordinate and integrate policies and programs of all agencies and instrumentalities of the government charged with the prosecution of existing law, policies, rules and regulations concerning nutrition. (d) To coordinate the release of public funds for nutrition purposes in accordance with the approved projects and programs. (e) To coordinate all requests for loans and grants by the government agencies involved in the nutrition program. (f) To call on any department, bureau, office, agency and other instrumentalities of the government for assistance in the form of personnel, facilities and resources as the need arises. Section 6. Officers of the Council. The Chairman-Coordinator of the National Food and Agriculture Council shall be the Chairman of the Council. He shall maintain a close link of the nutrition program with the food programs of the government. In his absence, the Secretary of Health shall be the Acting Chairman. An Executive Director shall be appointed by the Council. He shall implement the policies, programs, projects and decisions of the Council. One or more Deputy Executive Directors may be appointed by the Council and shall assist the Executive Director in the performance of his duties or take charge of special project assigned by the Executive Director. A Management Committee shall be formed, the members of which shall be a representative appointed by each of the members of the Council, which representatives should be the head of the nutrition unit or project of his office. The Executive Director, or in his absence, a Deputy Executive Directors, shall be Chairman of the Management Committee. This Committee shall perform such functions as may be assigned to it by this Council. The Council shall hire such other personnel as may be necessary for the performance of its basic functions. All positions, except the technical and professional staff and such other positions as the Council may declare to be highly technical, policy determining, or primarily confidential, shall be subject to Civil Service rules and regulations and the Wages and Position Classification Office: Provided that, all personnel shall be entitled to the benefits and privileges normally accorded to government employees, such as retirement, GSIS Insurance, leave and similar matters: Provided further, that in the appointment and promotion or employees, merit and efficiency shall serve as basis, and no political test or qualification shall be prescribed and considered for such appointments and promotions. Section 7. Nutrition Month. The month of July shall be designated as NUTRITION MONTH, for the purpose of creating greater awareness among our people on the importance of nutrition. Activities thereto shall be approved and coordinated by the Council. This Nutrition Month of July shall be in lieu of the previously declared Nutrition Week in March. Section 8. Donations. The Council shall be authorized to received donations, grants, or gifts in whatever form and from whatever sources: Provided that, said grants, gifts or donations shall be terms of the grant or donations and in such manner as a majority of the council may in its discretion determine. Section 9. Appropriations. For the first fiscal year, 1974-1975, P3. 4 million pesos shall be appropriated from NFAC funds already stipulated for nutrition programs. Provided that, the sum of ten million pesos is hereby appropriated as operating funds of the National Nutrition Council starting fiscal year 1975-1976. Provided further, that said amount may be increased or deceased in the succeeding years by the Council in accordance with its financial position. This appropriation shall be included in the Annual General Appropriation Act beginning in Fiscal Year 1975-1976. Section 10. All laws, decrees, orders, rules and regulations inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed and/or modified accordingly. Section 11. This Decree shall take effect immediately. Done in the City of Manila, this 25th day of June, in the year of Our Lord, nineteen hundred and seventy-four. Factors That Affect State Nutrition Food security. The most basic solution to malnutrition that will assure adequate supply and universal access to food. Poverty & Rapid increase in Population The discrepancy was the population of increase for the same period coupled with the static expenditure on food by the average household. Education Lack of specific knowledge due to poor or deficient education may magnify an already existing state of poor nutrition. Prevalence of Disease Who comes first? Disease or Malnutrition? However, it is established for some diseases, the effect of nutritional status is a major determinant of morbidity. Parasitic worm Diarrhea Malaria Geography Isolated pockets of population may suffer from peculiarities of geography. Due to difficult access to these places, food supply may suffer from time to dip, which results in decrease in consumption. Most of these regions cannot also produce the quantity and variety of food needed for adequate nutrition. The only specific solution for malnutrition is the provision of more food to supply the deficient calorie and nutrient. Definition of Terms Legumes – edible crop Peculiarity – ambiguous Malnutrition – undernourishment Discrepancy – difference Diet – cut down Deficiency – shortage Collar (collary) – line of job Workplace – place of work Marginal/Borderline – medium Mandate- authorization Embarked – board Supplementary – additional Prevalence – occurrence Morbidity – death rate Isolated – lonely. References: http://www. nnc. gov. ph/about-nnc#mission http://www. chanrobles. com/presidentialdecrees/presidentialdecreeno491. html#. UQDU8lsW7Dc http://en. wikipilipinas. org/index. php? title=Food_and_Nutrition_Research_Institute http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Nutrition_Foundation_of_the_Philippines,_Inc. http://www. questformuscle. com/articles/nutrition01. asp http://www. ndap. org. ph/food-pyramids University of Perpetual Help System- GMA CAMPUS Brgy. San Gabriel, GMA, Cavite COLLEGE OF ARTS, SCIENCES AND EDUCATION Environmental Science [pic] [Written Report] Submitted by:Submitted to: Jose Mariano A. EpinoMr. Prony Adrales III – AB PsychologyProfessor.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Bariatric Surgery Essay

Obesity affects more than one-third of U.S. adults (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). Obesity is defined by World Health Organization as an individual that has a BMI greater than 30. Obesity alone can hinder a person’s daily living lifestyle. However along with obesity come several co-morbidities that can affect a person’s health and lifestyle in a negative way. Obesity related conditions include heart disease, stroke, type two diabetes, hypertension, sleep apnea, and asthma. One alternative solution for obese patients’ to improve their quality of life is bariatric surgery. Bariatric surgery is the only weight loss method proven to achieve lasting, long term results (Kaser & Kukla., 2009, p. 3). Bariatric surgery works on two principals: restriction and malabsorption (Kaser & Kukla. 2009 p. 3). Per Kaser & Kukla on page 3 of the Online Journal of Issues in Nursing there are 3 types of bariatric surgery available; One is the least invasive, uses an adjustable gastric band to adjust the size of the stomach and is reversible. The second one uses a sleeve that reduces the stomach and also eliminates some of the ghrelin hormone that is used to stimulate appetite. The last procedure divides the stomach to create 15-30 ml pouch and is connected directly to the small intestine. This procedure is the most common weight lost surgery performed in the US and makes up 80% of all bariatric procedures (Kaser & Kukla. 2009 p. 3). This paper will discuss the nurse’s role during the pre-op, intra-op, and post-op phases of bariatric surgery, including some of the complications that may arise, proper nursing interventions, and relevant nursing diagnoses with every phase of the patientâ⠂¬â„¢s procedure. Nurses play a large role in caring for patients who have bariatric surgery. The nurses’ role starts in the evaluation phase during office visits and all the way through to post-operative care  including follow up visits. During the preoperative phase the nurse works with the health care team of â€Å"†¦surgeons, dietitians, psychologist, bariatricians†¦during patient evaluation to help reinforce key points for successful surgical weight loss†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Kaser & Kukla, 2009, p. 2) and provide on-going education regarding the patient’s current diet and future diet, activity, and the available surgical procedure options. The nurse ensures that the surgery is appropriate by ensuring the person has â€Å"†¦.a BMI >40 or BMI >35 along with comorbid conditions, such as cardiovascular disease, sleep apnea, uncontrolled type two diabetes, and/or physical problems interfering with performance of daily activities† (Kaser & Kukla, 2009, p.2). In the obese patient, â€Å"minimizing risk factors is directly connected with patients’ assessment in the preoperative period. Important physiopathologic changes occur in the cardiovascular, respiratory and gastrointestinal systems† (Tanaka, D., & Peniche, A. 2009 p.619). Nursing diagnoses that should be considered for preoperative bariatric surgery would be knowledge deficit, anxiety, nutritional imbalance (more than the body requirements), risk for impaired skin integrity, and ineffective breathing pattern related to morbid obesity and/or comorbidities (Drake, McAuliffe. 2012 p.6). â€Å"The key to an effective and safe bariatric patient handling program is to be prepared prior to the admission† (Muir & Archer-Heese, 2009, pg.2). â€Å"Studies have demonstrated that over 50% of bariatric-surgery patients have a concurrent diagnosis of anxiety, depression, or a psychological disorder† (Kaser & Kukla, 2009, p.6). â€Å"Ensure the patient understands the lifestyle changes that are required for a safe, successful, postoperative course including a lifelong commitment to revised eating patterns, vitamin supplementation, and regular monitoring by their healthcare provider† (Kaser & Kukla, 2009, p. 2). The nurse can provide care during the intraoperative phase by making sure the operating room is sufficient in size, the equipment can accommodate obese patient size by having stretchers with a 1,000 pound capacity and extra width, bariatric bed with expandable deck with power assisted for moving, and a built-in scale (Muir & Kukla 2009 p. 4). Some of the most frequently practiced nursing diagnoses for the patient during bariatric surgery would be risk for ineffective airway, and risk for hypothermia. Bariatric surgery patients are especially susceptible to an ineffective airway during surgery because  these patients â€Å"†¦tend to have decreased lung expansion due to an elevated diaph ragm as well as less compliant lungs and chest walls†¦layers of fat on the chest wall and abdomen along with an elevated diaphragm increase the work of breathing† (Drake, D. J., & Lopez, C. C., 2005, p.5). It is the nurse’s job to closely monitor the patient’s work of breathing during surgery to ensure no complications arise. Along with the post-op phase of bariatric surgery come an array of nursing interventions and much needed education for the patient. While the patient is fully aware of the lifestyle changes they must make before surgery is even performed, it now comes to a point where they must act on those changes with full confidence and tenacity if the procedure is to be a life-long success. Some common nursing diagnoses for post-op bariatric surgery include risk for nutritional imbalance (less than body requirements), risk for infection, risk for unstable blood glucose level, risk for impaired tissue integrity, mainly the tissue lining the stomach, and readiness for enhanced self-health management. Diet must be completely altered following surgery. Bariatric surgery patients are given a â€Å"strict diet post-operatively that regulates the consistency, volume, nutritional and chemical makeup of foods†¦nurses must understand diet recommendations for the immediate postoperative period and ass ist the patient in understanding the importance of adherence† (Drake, D. J., & Lopez, C. C., 2005, p.6). Diet compliance is of great importance, but there are other very important interventions to take into account after bariatric surgery. Three important aspects of nursing care include pain management, wound and skin care, and venous thromboembolism prophylaxis. â€Å"Pulmonary embolism is the second most common cause of mortality in bariatric-surgery patients† (Kaser & Kukla, 2009, p.4). DVT’s and VTE’s can be easily avoided when the proper nursing interventions are practiced. â€Å"†¦turning, coughing, and deep breathing (incentive spirometry) are the tried and true nursing interventions for pulmonary care in the postoperative surgical patient† (Kaser & Kukla, 2009, p.5). As with wound care, patients should be careful with coughing or possible nausea leading to vomiting due to chances of dehiscence of the surgical incision sites. Proper nursing care for wounds should be practiced, including â€Å"observing for signs of infection, and keeping the dressings clean and dry†¦treatment of nausea and prevention of vomiting are important during the postoperative phase† (Kaser  & Kukla, 2009, p.4). In conclusion the nurses’ role goes beyond providing direct nursing care in the preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative phases. For nurses’ to be successful in caring for bariatric patients they need to look at their own personal attitudes and biases. Make sure they are treating the individual, not making assumption on the person’s character, intelligence, or health status based off their weight, be respectful and do not blame. Nurses need to treat the psychosocial aspect of the specific needs of the bariatric patient by giving them appropriate feedback and encourage healthful behaviors. All of these will make for a successful outcome for the patient. Bariatric surgery is a health promoting and life-sustaining intervention (Drake, D. J., & Lopez, C. C., 2005, p.7). REFERENCES Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Overweight and Obesity; Retrieved from: Drake, D. J., & Lopez, C. C. (2005). Postoperative nursing care of patients after bariatric surgery. Perspectives, 6, 1-5. Grindel, M., & Grindel, C. (2006). Nursing care of the person having bariatric surgery. MEDSURG Nursing, 15(3), 129-146. Kaser, N., Kukla, A., (January 31, 2009). â€Å"Weight-Loss Surgery†. OJIN: The Online Journal of Issues in Nursing Vol. 14, No. 1, Manuscript 4. Retrieved from: Tanaka, D., & Peniche, A. (2009). Perioperative care for morbid obese patient undergoing bariatric surgery: challenges for nurses [Portuguese]. Acta Paulista De Enfermagem, 22(5), 618-623.

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Struggle for Independence in Mental Institutions in One Flew Over Assignment

The Struggle for Independence in Mental Institutions in One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Assignment Example Formalist analysis reveals how the basic elements of the film are arranged to reflect the struggle of mental patients against oppression. In the hospital, McMurphy clashes with the equally determined Nurse Ratched (Louise Fletcher). Through a chronological storyline that is filled with metaphors, irony and realistic cinematography, acting, and directing, the film depicts the inner and outer conflicts of mental patients who are rational enough to claim independence from an authoritarian establishment that has taken away their freedom to choose their destinies, where its ending underscores that, to be truly free, the individual must make the hard choice of rejecting society altogether. The storytelling of the film involves an omniscient storyteller that shows different perspectives, although the point of view generally comes from McMurphy using a linear story time in modern time setting. The setting is a real mental hospital to capture the poor physical conditions of such hospitals and to demonstrate the exact environment of the mentally ill. The story revolves around the main character, McMurphy, and his interactions with nurses and patients in the hospital. An example is that he sees the mental hospital from his own perspective, especially his needs and wants as an individualist. Although the movie shows what Ratched also sees as a nurse, McMurphy’s motives and freedom ideals drive the primary conflicts, especially the conflict between person-against-person and Person-against-society. The story follows these conflicts and how McMurphy creates interesting ways to gain autonomy for himself and his fellow patients. Furthermore, the linear chronological timef rame helps the audience focus more on the characters and the events surrounding them than analyzing  disconnected timelines. The audience does not have to think about the connections between different scenes in different timeframes with a linear story.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Analyzing the Value in the Arts Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Analyzing the Value in the Arts - Essay Example This relates to the initial question in this discussion. Would I buy an artwork not created by the one who signed it? Would I buy if it was an exact copy? There are four ways this problem can be argued or viewed against. The first is the aesthetic valuation. The artist who copies the original also copies the aesthetic value of the original. Everything that the original artist created or wished to depict has been reproduced and visually offers the exact same aesthetic experience. So, aesthetically speaking, the valuation would be equal. However, if we have prior knowledge that this work of art was originally created by someone else, historically, the value would be otherwise. The historical value of an â€Å"original† Monet would be different from a reproduction. In today’s world when making copies has become much easier through newer mediums such as screening, copies made by the artist himself or herself would hold well on the ethical scale. But if the copy was not sanc tioned by the artist, the ethical value would drop. We must remember that the value of originality is a composite: that is, the value of this piece would still remain high on visual and aesthetic grounds but may fall on ethical and historical grounds. Finally, let us see what the above analysis have an effect on the value of the art piece in monetary terms.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Annotated Bibliography Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 9

Annotated Bibliography - Essay Example The theory profoundly affects the international students or the students who study abroad. The students tend to acquire a different identity and personality when they go to foreign countries. They acquire personalities and identities similar to those of the destination country as they spend most of their time with the native students. In conceptualizing psychology defines the social identity theory as the self-construct and self-referential, the concept of who someone is. The social identity theory explains the observable differences in behavior of an individual as a person and the same individual as a member of a group. Karkouti (2014) explores the psychological social identity theory and its effects on the behavior of an individual. The link between the group and the individual starts with the concept of self-bounded cognitive schema that is a form of implicit identity. The cognitive schema as stated by Karakouti (2004) consists of several issues about self. The cognitive concepts are of two types namely the core concepts and the peripheral concepts. The core concepts are those that allow individuals to maintain their enduring personality while the peripheral concepts are those that allow an individual to be in a position to adapt to various situations. The core concepts of self-cognition helps in constraining the individual and promote selective processing and interpretation of information thus preserving a stable and a more enduring personal identity (Karakouti, 2004). Imamura, M., & Zhang, Y. B. (2014). Functions of the common ingroup identity model and acculturation strategies in intercultural communication: American host nationals’ communication with Chinese international students. International Journal Of Intercultural Relations, 43(Part B), 227-238. Imamura & Zhang (2014) describes the relevance and the effects of social identity theory on the foreign students. The social identity affects the culture,

Friday, July 26, 2019

Homemade Lava Lamp Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Homemade Lava Lamp - Essay Example Subsequently add 10 or more droplets of the selected food colouring to the mixture in the bottle until a rich colour is seen. In understanding how the lava lamp works, the first step would be to understand that oil and water do not mix. They are insoluble. The main goal in the liquids used in the lava lamp is to obtain two liquids that have very close densities but are insoluble in each other and that is why oil and water are most preferable (Cothron 4). Oil and water will not mix in the experiment as water is made up of highly charged compounds while oil is made up of long carbon chains that have no charge. As a result, the water molecules are not attracted to the oil molecules hence rendering the two liquids immiscible. The immiscibility of the two liquids causes the separation that will be seen in the experiment just as observed in our everyday life such as the kitchen sinks and oil spills. Further, the oil being less dense than water will float on top of the water as will be exemplified in the experiment. The baking soda used in the experiment contains sodium bicarbonate. Baking soda is technical ly both basic and acidic. When the baking soda is mixed with water, a chemical reaction is formed that releases carbon dioxide gas (Heuer, 10). Carbon dioxide gas is produced in a bubbling manner which is seen in the coloured fluid that is in the bottle. Food colouring is used to merely add colour to the experiment. When added, the food colouring falls through the oil and mixes with the water at the bottom giving it the particular colour of choice that is to illuminate at the onset of the chemical reactions in the

Fundamentals of business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Fundamentals of business - Essay Example From that initial initiative, the company grew manifold and in that time, changed the name from PC’s Limited to "Dell Computer Corporation" in 1988 Dell Inc. Corporation is a computer company located in Round Rock, Texas. It builds and sells personal computers and other products, which are related computers. â€Å"The company currently sells personal computers, servers, data storage devices, network switches, software, computer peripherals and televisions.† ( Presently, close to 100,000 people work in Dell and its worldwide operations. Dell had its best growth during 1980s and 1990s, and thus its optimal growth elevated it as the largest seller of Personal Computers and servers. But, in early 2000’s, Dell’s was overtaken by Hewlett-Packard. So after 2008, it held the second spot in computer-sales within the industry behind the Hewlett-Packard Company. Dell has been a pioneer in the business of manufacturing made to order PCs and laptops and manufacture of x86 servers. To diversify its portfolio it has expanded its product range to include data storage hardware, printers and their cartridges, networking switches and hand held PCs as well as proving software solutions. The company has a global reach and has offices in Europe, Asia and Japan besides America. The company aims to produce high quality products at a low cost and use this strategy to achieve profitability. Michael Dell, who is the founder and currently the Chairman and CEO, held around 10% of the company’s shares. Rest of the key stake holders are institutional and mutual fund owners besides the small time investors. Customers: We believe in creating loyal customers by providing a superior experience at a great value. We are committed to direct relationships, providing the best products and services based on standards-based technology, and outperforming the competition with value and a superior

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Answer questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 21

Answer questions - Essay Example We all know that scientifically, humans are related to primates. In the early times, at a point of time the chimpanzee developed a variant in gene and thus human version of predators started to develop. The chimpanzee and the humans lived in a same natural environment and the way they hunted food was through spontaneous process. Man too had same techniques and procedures to hunt food as he carried genetic similarity on a large basis with chimpanzees. If we look at the diet system both chimpanzees and humans have same routine. Chimpanzees as well as humans are omnivorous and had to acquire food from same weather condition. So it is sensible to state that the chimpanzee predators are a model for human hunting. -building and there are two chimpanzees staying apart and are indulging in care taking. Their locomotive limb behavior is also very evident in the video. We can observe here that the primates have a limb movement which is abducted during arboreal locomotion to a greater extent, and more variably overall, than during terrestrial locomotion. We can also observe that the, the social behavior of the chimpanzee is almost similar to human being as they care for each other and imitate what other chimpanzees does like peeping through the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Corporate governance and ethical decision ion making Essay

Corporate governance and ethical decision ion making - Essay Example The board of directors, as the top management team, therefore plays a major role in defining a company’s corporate governance as well as the governance’s effectiveness in achieving the company’s objectives. Subject to legal provisions and a company’s memorandum, the directors guide their organizations through offering directives as the top managerial decision making organ. Simpler forms of businesses such as partnerships or limited liability partnerships and companies may have their top management roles vested in teams or persons (Kazmi, 2008). The roles and responsibilities of an organization’s top management centers on making macro organizational decisions that are then passed to line managers for implementation. One of the roles of the top management is developing an organization’s missions and values that define the organization’s overall direction. The management also determines major strategies to be adopted and lays down operational plans. Similarly, the top management acts as a supervisory body to â€Å"monitor and control† the organization’s managers and other officers besides evaluating the organization’s position and making recommendations to owners and other stakeholders (Kazmi, 2008, p. 398). In a small laundry repair business where a father is the technician and his son is the administrator, the son assumes top management responsibilities to make strategic decisions, communicate the decisions, and supervise the father and other employees, and report recommendations to the stakeholders (Kazmi, 2008). An organization’s top management, whether board of directors or individuals, are in their roles faced with social responsibility, which is the moral obligation to maximize benefits of all stakeholders to a strategic decision. The management’s decision should therefore consider possible adverse â€Å"economic, legal,

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

The types of leadership styles that are at work and acess their Essay

The types of leadership styles that are at work and acess their effectiveness - Essay Example This kind of leadership has control on all spheres of society’s activity. Some experts argue that a number of chief executives in the business world practice this kind of leadership like feudal lords in medieval Europe (Legacee, 2012). These are the kind of leaders who maintain absolute control on entrepreneurial structure and do not agree on the democratization of thoughts and decision. This leadership is weak because its followers are rendered passive. Since it’s a little close to tyranny, it’s likely that this kind of leadership will inspire upheaval from constituents. Transformational leadership is a principle-based leadership with combined features of charismatic and participative type of leadership. This type of leadership inspires involvement of people in decision-making through teambuilding and consensus. It’s a leadership that respects democracy and motivates its human resources to advance their empowerment as stakeholder of development and change (Gumusluoglu. & Ilsev, 2009). This kind of leadership leads by example and implore on the necessity of vision and mission that guides an organization to its targeted goal. They are good in strategizing the framework for optimized organizational performance. Transactional leadership on the other hand deals about the bureaucratic aspect of managing an organization. Oppose to transformational leadership, this kind of leadership wanted the retention of status quo and rest more on completing its goals by rules and stringent rules (Hugo, Dimovski, & Ã…  kerlavaj, 2009). There is less employee-employer interaction in this leadership style hence, misunderstanding is very potent which could lead to disenfranchisement of members. Hugo, Z., Dimovski, V. & Ã…  kerlavaj, M. (2009). Transactional and transformational leadership impacts on organizational learning, Journal for East European Management Studies, Rainer Hampp Verlag, vol. 14(2), pages 145 -

Monday, July 22, 2019

Labor Systems Essay Example for Free

Labor Systems Essay There was a decrease in the popularity/ usage of forced labor systems. This was caused by Enlightenment thinking and the recent success of the Haitian revolution. Most of the movements that led to this improvement were led by Simon Bolivar. In the Caribbean, slavery was abolished. It was abolished several years before other regions like the US because of pressure from British labor unions. However, even though slavery was legally abolished, slaves were still obligated to stay with their masters and take on apprenticeships. Women became more involved in society. Women came to Latin America, mainly indentured servants, and they were given work. This was not a large breakthrough though because the only jobs they were given would be domestic work like being house servants or maids. Changes: There was a decrease in the popularity/ usage of forced labor systems. This was caused by Enlightenment thinking and the recent success of the Haitian revolution. Most of the movements that led to this improvement were led by Simon Bolivar. In the Caribbean, slavery was abolished. It was abolished several years before other regions like the US because of pressure from British labor unions. However, even though slavery was legally abolished, slaves were still obligated to stay with their masters and take on apprenticeships. Women became more involved in society. Women came to Latin America, mainly indentured servants, and they were given work. This was not a large breakthrough though because the only jobs they were given would be domestic work like being house servants or maids. Changes: There was a decrease in the popularity/ usage of forced labor systems. This was caused by Enlightenment thinking and the recent success of the Haitian revolution. Most of the movements that led to this improvement were led by Simon Bolivar. In the Caribbean, slavery was abolished. It was abolished several years before other regions like the US because of pressure from British labor unions. However, even though slavery was legally abolished, slaves were still obligated to stay with their masters and take on apprenticeships. Women became more involved in society. Women came to Latin America, mainly indentured servants, and they were given work. This was not a large breakthrough though because the only jobs they were given would be domestic work like being house servants or maids. Changes: There was a decrease in the popularity/ usage of forced labor systems. This was caused by Enlightenment thinking and the recent success of the Haitian revolution. Most of the movements that led to this improvement were led by Simon Bolivar. In the Caribbean, slavery was abolished. It was abolished several years before other regions like the US because of pressure from British labor unions. However, even though slavery was legally abolished, slaves were still obligated to stay with their masters and take on apprenticeships. Women became more involved in society. Women came to Latin America, mainly indentured servants, and they were given work. This was not a large breakthrough though because the only jobs they were given would be domestic work like being house servants or maids. Changes: There was a decrease in the popularity/ usage of forced labor systems. This was caused by Enlightenment thinking and the recent success of the Haitian revolution. Most of the movements that led to this improvement were led by Simon Bolivar. In the Caribbean, slavery was abolished. It was abolished several years before other regions like the US because of pressure from British labor unions. However, even though slavery was legally abolished, slaves were still obligated to stay with their masters and take on apprenticeships. Women became more involved in society. Women came to Latin America, mainly indentured servants, and they were given work. This was not a large breakthrough though because the only jobs they were given would be domestic work like being house servants or maids. Changes: There was a decrease in the popularity/ usage of forced labor systems. This was caused by Enlightenment thinking and the recent success of the Haitian revolution. Most of the movements that led to this improvement were led by Simon Bolivar. In the Caribbean, slavery was abolished. It was abolished several years before other regions like the US because of pressure from British labor unions. However, even though slavery was legally abolished, slaves were still obligated to stay with their masters and take on apprenticeships. Women became more involved in society. Women came to Latin America, mainly indentured servants, and they were given work. This was not a large breakthrough though because the only jobs they were given would be domestic work like being house servants or maids.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Technology In Cinema And Film Making Media Essay

Technology In Cinema And Film Making Media Essay I think that modern technology has changed modern film making for the better. In the last few years, using the latest technologies has been paramount in the film making process. This has caused films to evolve over the years with each progressing idea, technology, and technique, allowing filmmakers to bring their vision to life more accurately and more convincingly to the big screen. Without these advances in video capture and computing many films such as Star Trek'(JJ Abrams, 2009) would not have been as successful. Film production has also become very fast to meet the growing demand for movies as the channel for distribution increase and audiences broaden. The development of technology has affected an extremely wide array of areas concerning film, including the production process, the way films are viewed, how the films are distributed, and even how they are promoted. These new innovations are advancing so quickly now that the traditional cinema-going experience may find itself hav ing to compete with online streaming of filmed entertainment. 2. The facts and opinions Digital media is in-expensive and can be edited quickly and easily. Large Volumes of raw video are handled in a few days with sometimes only one person working on it, this is comparable to the older methods with film that took several weeks to process with teams going through each reel of film. The first practical cinema device was made by two French brothers Louis and Auguste Lumiere, they called it the cinematograph. In 1894 the device and others like it began to be used in public buildings or halls (dubbed ‘nickelodeans because it cost a nickel to watch the short animation). Through various advancements throughout the following years the recording and replaying methods became more powerful and much simpler. One of these advancements led to colour pictures and was used to obliterate mono-chrome movies for a short while. Films like ‘Schindlers List Steven Spielberg 1993 and ‘Clerks Kevin Smith 1994 show that monochrome can help make an atmosphere that colour cant. An example of a movie with very little technology would be â€Å"No Country for Old Men† which relied on the atmosphere made by good acting and filming. It is argued that the lack of technology used in the making of the film and even in the setting, which was the early eighties, made for a more dramatic effect. But to contest that is the fact that the film was following the original novel by Cormic McCarthy, and that dramatic effect was made by very good acting, directing, back music and producing. Computer Generated imagery has changed the way movie makers imagine and visualise the movie because they are not as restricted as they were 20 years ago. Some ‘get arounds had to be made then due to lack of funds or until a technological solution was developed. The more simple ‘tricks included stopping the camera but keeping it in position as an actor moved off set before continuing to give the effect that a character had suddenly vanished. Another trick would involve an artist painting some matching scenery around a sheet of glass and letting the camera film through that so it made the surrounding area look larger than it actually was. Original animations were very tedious and labour intensive. To make the drawings ‘move the cartoonist normally had to produce twenty-five to twenty-six drawings for every second of screen time. This resulted in ten-minute cartoon needing fourteen thousand, four hundred different drawings. ‘Gertie the Dinosaur by Winsor McCay in 1909 was the first one of its kind. It was seven minutes long and needed ten thousand drawings. Titan AE, this is an animated movie enhanced by computer to give a hybrid. This was a great success and is known for stunning visuals and brilliant voice acting. Normally an animated movie is screened at around twenty five frames per second which means that even the smallest movement on screen would require about sixty drawings. With the computer this be dramatically reduced and enhanced graphically. Another movie â€Å"Monsters Inc. â€Å" is completely computer generated. This gives the movie a cartoonish look and the class of a live film were the actions and motions are more fluid. CGI allows directors to create an atmosphere that they would not be able to achieve with models or visual â€Å"trickery†. George Lucas explains in â€Å"Star Wars A New Hope Remastered DVD† In the scene where Luke Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi are speeding across the Desert in the â€Å"Speeder†(Hover Car), The production team originally put Vaseline on the camera lens in the area that the cars wheels would be. This of course left two black smudges under the car. Due to other problems and limitations Lucas had problem realising his vision for the movie. He created his own digital effects house (Industrial Light and Magic and sound companies ‘THX and ‘Skywalker sound because the things he wanted simply didnt exist. New techniques were thought up and tested. Although the film was highly successful, Lucas still was not happy and later remastered the film with more advanced graphics and sounds. With the improvements they added larger backgrounds to once disappointing sets and add extra characters. A cut scene was added because they could now add in a CG (computer generated) alien character that at the time didnt even have a puppet stand-in. Without the help of these special effects the film would not have done justice to Lucas original vision for the movie. For ‘The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (Peter Jackson, 2001) and ‘The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (Peter Jackson, 2002) programmer Stephen Regelous created ‘Massive a special-effects program that allowed thousands of unique CG characters to have a mind of their own when thrown into combat for the battle scenes. â€Å"Gathering seventy-thousand or so tall, broad-shouldered extras, dressing them in elaborate armor and having them slaughtering each other was out of the question. â€Å"Digital technology is a thing, a medium that makes film flourish as it never has before.† George Lucas Because of CGI, realistic Dinosaurs were seen in ‘Jurassic Park (Steven Spielberg, 1993) and animals have charged down through a city street in ‘Jumanji (Joe Johnston, 1995). â€Å"The future of cinema lies in the power of the pixel. The injection of fresh ideas and methodologies will only serve to mix up the metaphorical gene pool and empower a new generation of filmmakers.† Roger Corman Both these movies have done very well in cinema through VHS and DVD sales. Examples of films that have been let down by special effects would be ‘Killer Flood'(Doug Campbell, 2003) and Deep Blue Sea(Renny Harlin, 1999) which did alright in viewings and even had very good acting and scripting but was let down by a few moments were the audience should have been amazed by the imagery but instead was disappointed by the poorly made imagery of the sharks. Movies have also been influenced by Computer Games and some of the rendering techniques from games have been applied to the movie making process. One such method has a group of people wearing Skin tight clothing fitted with sensors on all the locations were movement is most noticeable and at joints. A computer then gathers the information to make a model on screen with the same movements of the person wearing the sensors. Computer generated imagery has also helped reduce the cost of movie making. Large effects that normally cost thousands to make can be done with a decent computer and some editing software. Because of the need of pre-processing is no longer required with digital video, clips can now be viewed on site instantly and mistakes can be found and changed or fixed unlike traditional 35mm film where errors would not be found for weeks until all the film had been processed. With cost effective production, more and more movies can be made and newer previously unknown directors appear with Box Office hit Films. A recent box office hit â€Å"Zombieland† directed by Ruben Fleischer was the first feature film by him, without the low cost production methods available the movie may not have been made. ‘District 9 ‘Zombieland done well in cinema and have been made by first time directors. ‘District 9 Gross Profit $210,146,235 ‘Zombieland Gross Profit $90,081,556 The large profits of these films show that they have been a success and the filming budgets (average 30,000,000) show that studios are not afraid to stop a production half way. Before digital film these mock ups had to be made to view/preview the movie hence a higher cost. Digital Video has been both the answer to cheap filming and the enemy of those in the film industry. With digital video large amounts of video can be moved and transferred easily rather than the trucks needed to move the reels of film. Increased memory capacity has aided this as well allowing very high quality images to be recorded. High definition video is an example of this as there are so many pixels per frame and so many frames the file sizes are enormous. Just 30 minutes of video can be two Gigabytes in size. One of the first films to use digital video was ‘Westworld in 1973. Shortly before digital video came digital audio. With digital audio the same advantages apply, it is cheaper to store and easier to edit. One of the main advantages of digital audio is that tape is not needed to store it. Audio stored on tape was prone to distortion or deterioration from magnetic waves and moisture; it is also much harder to sync than with a piece of video like an animated character or sound effect. Recorders and Microphones have become very small and fitted inside the ear or in the collar of a jumper. They can record in very high quality which helps in the editing phase, if a character gets drowned out by another noise or their voice becomes muffled by another person in front of the microphone on the main floor . The better quality also creates a much better atmosphere for the audience. This may not make or break the film but bad audio can be worse than bad visuals in my own opinion. With HD (High Definition) audio emerging, recording techniques and styles will evolve again. This will follow the adoption of Surround sound which is now common among home entertainment systems and some Cinemas or Movie Theatres. Surround Sound uses multiple speakers placed around the audience and a special controller sends the right volume and sounds to each speaker to make it sound as though the audience is immersed in the movie. Sound technicians now place the mics around the set / scene to record the different sound levels at those spots in the room. Not every new idea in cinema was successful enough to consider continuing at first, such as three-dimensional movies (3D), which required viewers to wear special glasses, and the â€Å"smells†, in which different scents were blown into theatres to accompany the images and sound. The system just didnt work well or subtly enough. Now though 3D movies are at an all-time with 9 3D movies released in 2009 alone. With the new 3D technology using digital glasses and high frequency screens the poor effect on a viewers eye-sight or balance has been removed. 3D Filming has for a long time been an attraction for creating stunning experiences. â€Å"Journey to the Centre of the Earth† was the first film to successfully deploy a live 3D experience. It grossed $241,995,151 in worldwide. These changes seem to have been for the better, good profits for 3D films shows a fan base and market audience. The newest technologies used are proving their worth and may end up leading production to entirely 3d movies. With advancements comes cheaper high end equipment this has led to a lot of fans and wanna be producers making films or videos on the cheap. YouTube the greatest example of public film/video is well known and is full of fan made or home made movies. Some of these can be on par with full length feature films. Technology has advanced to let what used to be studio equipment be compacted and simplified for everyone. A good example of the Fan- made movie is â€Å"The Hunt for Gollum† a prequel to â€Å"The Lord of the Rings, The Fellowship of the Ring† It has amassed over 1.5 Million views and maintains a 5 star rating( The highest available on YouTube). On another Note the Movie has been made in HD which shows the makers had access to good equipment. Another intriguing thing to note is that technology on the whole can and has influenced films. Two older movies that are well known are ‘Wargames'(John Badham 1983) and ‘Hackers'(Iain Softley, 1995). One of the most notable is The ‘James Bond 007 series of films which has used technological possibilities to its fullest, were Bond is supplied with a massive range of gadgets some futuristic and some of the present times. 3. Conclusion Movies at home are now a big part of the cinema experience. Large television sets and home cinema systems are very common. Small versions of the projectors used in the cinema are also common and provide a cinema like atmosphere to your home movies. Homes can even have computers that server video and audio content to the television. With movies cheaply available to buy, sets of several DVDs available on a single Blu-ray disc and Online services such as the iTunes Store making digital downloads available, there is always a larger demand for movies and so the film industry will continue to make good films. â€Å"With more channels of distribution there will be a greater demand for content but less money will be required to make it. The people who can create content the most cost effectively will have a clear cut advantage† Roger Corman The future of Cinema is greatly entwined with technological advancements. The effects of technology on cinema are quite clear, as long as the technologies are used in the right ways and are not abused for the sake of time or money then the quality of cinema will not die. Though there are movies were technology plays a minute roll it still seeps through from the camera used the sound recording equipment and the sets built. The cinema was built of technology and should continue to thrive and mature and technology does so.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Rebranding

Advantages and Disadvantages of Rebranding Introduction Brand identity awareness as we understand it now appeared in the 19th century with the introduction of packaged goods. As soon as products were no longer produced by local manufacturer the need for the brand image occurred. Mass production has a wider market orientation and often cheaper price. But competition with local products which were already familiar to consumers was impossible without differentiation and strong appealing image. Many brands image was intentionally created to simulate local farmers products and therefore appear as something familiar to the potential customer. Perfect illustrations provide such known brands as Uncle Bens rice and Kelloggs breakfast cereal, till now they have an image of home-made products. And from this contemporary branding originated: manufacturers with the help of advertising started to associate other kinds of brand values, such as youthfulness, fun, luxury, honesty, quality assurance, source or ownership, and producers responsibility. They learned how to differentiate and to create emotional bonding with the help of identity signs. Recent environmental trends are forcing top managers to give even greater and greater attention to brand identity to guarantee competitive advantage. For every business the key to success is the right brand identity which should present a positive image of the company and set the stage for a strong reputation. Temporal (2002) stated The brand is the foundation of the business. Weak brand can tear up the foundation. Therefore the creation of strong brand identity is crucial for companies to encourage positive attitudes and provide an important competitive advantage. The corporate name and logo are two essential components of the corporate identity construct; they are the symbols of brand. Furthermore, they are the most pervasive elements in corporate and brand communications, and play a main role in the communication of the desired positioning strategy. The right logo and clear visual identity are critical for any companys success. Though a brand can have an old-fashioned logo, even the minor change can jeopardize its appeal to loyal customers. In the advertising history there are a lot of examples of rebranding which gone wrong. Wheeler (2009) in her book brings an example of Kelloggs corn flakes which wanted slightly change the name of cereals from Coco Pops to Choco Pops in 1999. The result was deplorable and its customer base strongly resisted. If the brand image is strong, a sudden change could alienate customers. On the other hand, successful rebrand can help the company or a product to reach unprecedented market position. In the 1950s nobody knew a widespread and popular fruit called kiwi, because it was called the Chinese gooseberry and was not popular at all. American importers decided that it needed a makeover. Fruit is imported from New Zealand, so they decided to rename it kiwifruit to honour the flightless national bird of New Zealand. With the new name market position improved dramatically. The importance of the right name and appropriate professionally designed logo hardly can be underestimated. If brand symbols were not created well in the beginning it is never too late to do a rebrand. Though changing these symbols is controversial and requires enormous physical, financial and psychological investments. Rebranding has become a real trend in the last decades, with some companies rebranding several times. There are plenty of successful and unsuccessful examples of rebranding which was done for all possible reasons from attempt to rebrand itself to desire to shed the company negative image. Obviously, the risks of changing the established brand identity are high and benefits are not guaranteed. With a new identity it is normally very difficult to estimate actual monetary benefits. However, there are numerous examples of companies changing names and logos, rebranding, and creating new identities for a variety of reasons, all with successful results. The aim of this study is therefore to give an answer to the following research question: Why evolution of brand identity is better than revolution? and When revolution is necessity? The paper is a secondary research and is based on information from books and specialized magazines, also in electronic form. It is structured in order to provide a clear and systematic understanding of the advantages, disadvantages and causes of changing the established brand identity. Brand identity Brand image and brand identityÂÂ   Difference between brand identity and image is not obvious and often confused. According to Collins dictionary brand image is the attributes of a brand as perceived by potential and actual customers. Therefore brand image is mostly visual oriented and dealing with such issues as logo design, name, tagline, corporate colours and fonts. On the contrary brand identity refers to the core attributes of a brand itself, its philosophy and its values. Brand identity is so-called brand personality a marvellous aggregate which form the uniqueness of brand; it is an individuality which singles out the brand. Brand identity is the facade of the company or organisation and should be an accurate representation of it. On the other hand it is the total proposition and promises that a company makes to consumers. But the press and the competition can also influence brand identity. To establish and maintain distinguishable identity every aspect of a business has to be taken into consideration. Aaker (2004) mentioned in his works that companies have to make substantial efforts to make sure that what customers perceive the company in desired way. A well-built image works for the company, bringing an individual, memorable identity which fits perfectly with the companys aims and strategies. A strong brand identity always brings a company above its competitors all by itself. Though development of such a strong brand takes time and financial inputs it is a worthy investment. (Aaker, pp 183-185) Different levels of identity change When companies decide to undertake corporate identity changes, they are usually redeveloping the visual image in terms of logo and corporate design. Such efforts do not normally involve a change in brand values so that the brand itself, its personality and core values remains the same. Unfortunately, very often this fallacy led companies to believe that the visual changes itself will change the brand identity. But changes to signage or logo design do not necessarily change the perception of consumer. Certain characteristics like the indefinable associations with this brand or consumer perception of quality and service are deep-rooted into the brand identity and cannot be changed that easily. As it is important for any brand to maintain a modern look even surface changes of the visual image are positive and the visual identity needs to change over time. But entire change of the image can provoke consumer concerns about changes in brand values or possible ownership. If there is an appealing for consumers strong brand identity then extensive changes may destroy emotional attachments. People are always afraid to notice sudden unjustified changes in the behaviour of other people. Same negative reaction is unavoidable when the accustomed brands which customer prefer exhibit similar sudden changes. Alternatively, if the goal is to significantly improve the standing of the brand, then corporate identity changes can be accompanied by considerable changes to all the related issues like organizational culture or service standards. Normal completion of such changes will improve consumers perception of the company and its services. Consequently the changes will, over the longer term, have a corresponding positive effect on brand image. Brand symbols: logo and company name The role of the logo Confident branding and a well-built branding strategy uses design to communicate a message that appeals to the target audience a message that creates confidence in the brand quality while differentiating it between the competitors. In the branding strategy the importance of the logo as a component in reflecting a brand can hardly be overestimated. If the logo does not to qualify than a new brand strategy and a new logo should be considered. A logo as an important part of brand marketing can say many things about a company. A logo can make the perception of the company either negative or positive. The mission of the logo is to effectively brand the company. Therefore logo can be considered a god one if it is correctly represents the values and goals of the company. Though branding is not come to a simple logo design. The logo is only one piece of the branding strategy. But nevertheless logo is a powerful symbol that can provide consumers with instant brand recognition of the business and the services or products that company offer. Good logo has to arose strong associations with the brand identity and be entirely based on a brand strategy. Without the strategy behind it a logo can put across the wrong message and in return weaken the brand identity. Consistent brand message implemented in well designed logo helps to increase consumer recognition. A logo represents business, illuminates it, is able to promote core values and draw focus from competitors. Being attractive, easy to read and memorable a logo establishes a familiarity among other brands and makes a differentiation. A logo is absolutely essential for both small and large businesses. Any business would be are faceless and forgettable without a logo. A professionally made logo can catch the attention of potential clients and invite their interest in a company. A logo is kind of business special mark. When customers visit a store, use products or even receive official emails, a logo becomes a business personal signature. It informs new customers about targets and values of the company and greets old customers with remembrance. Nowadays in competitive market environment logo plays the main role in differentiation one product from another. A logo helps people positively recognise the business as being professional, credible and authentic. A logo should be well-executed and look great, also it should be truthful in what it communicates and not be exaggerative or deceptive, to show that a business is credible. And most importantly, a logo should represent the brand identity values confidently to invite trust from customers and being authentic. Brand design To describe the visual design elements of a brand experience, such as aÂÂ  graphic logo designÂÂ  and the most significant sides of a brand a term brand design is used. Professional designers can develop a brand design in a way to connect the company with its customers, to create the right image, and communicate the right information about product benefits. The brands effect on buyers preferences and continued loyalty are the keys. (Shimp (2003), p. 136) The main goal of branding is to make product or service emotionally appealing for consumers. Brand design is concerning with designing the consumers familiarity with the brand. Consequently it is important to communicate to the customers anÂÂ  imageÂÂ  of the company, products and services that is value oriented. Then again the brand unique value is constitutes of the level of consumers awareness. With every new experience to the brand, customers repeatedly pick up on the brands benefits and qualities. Logo and name design A logo design is critical for the brand identity as it has a role of a symbol of the product. Without brand identity and consequently logo design it would be almost impossible to sell products or services. The truth is, people normally buy not only the products and services, but they also buy a promise, reputation and identity. All mentioned above qualities the logo design should represent. Any logo design consists of two key elements: the logos text (company name) and the graphic or picture that accompanies it. The look of a companys name conveys meaning and is as significant as picture. Different fonts convey different meanings and emotions to the potential customer and using the right font is vital. However logo design images frequently become the key recognition component of any companys marketing promotions. In order to have right brand positioning and the strength brand a corporate logo or product logo should be well designed. An image should be simple and bold, making it easy to see at a glance and should work well with the company name. A strong, balanced image with no little extras that confuse its look would be appropriate for any company. Additionally it is always important to make sure that logo looks good in black and white, as well as in colour. The logo should not be just nice, but it should communicate certain values which are important for the company. The logo design has to communicate the nature of the business clearly and has graphic imagery that looks appropriate for the business. Corporations are moved in new and different directions by internal and external factors. Thus with the lapse of time logos can lose their meaning. Many famous companies have successfully introduced a new logo or re-positioned existing ones. Different kinds of design The most widely used font-based design focuses primarily on text and typeface but can incorporate other elements as well. The logos of IBM, Microsoft and Sony, for instance, use type treatments with a twist that makes them distinctive. This type is best suited for companies whose name effectively describes what they do and can convey the message without graphical elements. The subtype of a font-based design is usage of monograms and anagrams. The letter(s) represent a symbol of the company and are often used when initials translate graphically better than the actual name. This type is a wholly typographically oriented, usually involving initials or abbreviations. This design type is preferable when communication funds are limited and should be focused on name recognition. Also when the company name is already reasonably distinctive and when the goal is to associate products with the company more clearly and directly than a symbol permits. Using a monogram is possible only if a company is big enough to afford teaching the public what the monogram means. Another well known type consists of a simple but strong graphic symbol, an emblem on a product. The symbol is often abstract, complements an aspect of a business or service and represents a company by association. The logos of Nike or Apple are like this. Also there are plenty of company logo designs that literally illustrate what a company does, such as when a house-painting company uses an illustration of a brush in its logo. This type is worth using when the company name is too long, too generic, doesnt translate well globally, or has no personality. As well as a monogram it can be costly and difficult to create public awareness for the symbol type. Small businesses with limited marketing budgets often use a combination of a symbol with words. Combination can be loose or integral and the elements can be used together or separately. A well designed combined logotype can effectively communicate what a company does as well as reflect the company personality. Since combined logo communicate the idea behind easily, less marketing is required for the logo to be effective. Therefore, combined logos are the most cost effective type of logo design available. Distinctive tag line Solis (2010) describes a tag line as an amusing or memorable phrase designed to catch attention in an advertisement. (Solis (2010), p.247) A tag line normally consists of three to seven words phrase that accompanies the logo. It expresses the companys most important benefits and on the other hand what a company wants to communicate to customers about its work. Despite the effortlessly appearance of some great tag lines, creating and refining one takes a lot of time and hard work, just like designing a great logo. However the benefits of taking the time to craft a great tag line are indisputable. Main quality index of a great tag lines is it stickiness in to the consumers memory. Let us examine the example of Hallmark greeting cards tag line. When you care enough to send the very best, appeals to the human desire to be viewed as having good taste and an enjoyment for luxury. With this tag line Hallmark positioned itself as the choice for quality. Company was founded by J. C. Hall, so the name Hallmark was a natural. Hallmark was an official series of marks, instituted by statute in 1300, and subsequently modified, stamped by the Guild of Goldsmiths at one of its assay offices on gold, silver, or platinum (since 1975) articles to guarantee purity, date of manufacture. (Collins Dictionary)Therefore it was also brilliant from a marketing perspective because the word itself means a mark of authenticity or excellence. The name attaches the image of quality to a product in the best possible way. The tag line makes the most of the image with words that stick in the mind. Creating a fine logo and distinctive tag line are significant for a brand identity as they provide the right image of the company and give it capability to be memorable enough. Therefore these are also critical qualities for the competitive capacity. Change of brand symbols In the dynamic environment of the recent decades the very idea of changing brand symbols name and logo is a prevalent phenomenon in every given area of business. Redesign in most of the cases is caused by the emotional apprehension of top management. The company logo design seems to become obsolete or doesnt have the same advertising appeal that it did a few years ago. Other common reason for redesign can be narrow circumstances, time and/or budget deficit in which logo was created. To conclude, the decision of the company logo redesign is one of the most doubtful decisions any company can make due to enormous risks involved. Changing an established name or logo requires judicious approach to a problems, carefulness and consideration. A correctly executed logo redesign can positively impact the company brand and therefore help to achieve a competitive posture in the market. Even most important corporations sometimes change their brand identity and logo design. When changes in market focus are occurred the need of logo redesign often became inevitable. Because company needs a logo that is more conforming to new circumstances and more appropriate for a new demographics. Logo redesign can help to achieve current business goals. Decision to change logo should be deliberate and scrupulous as it includes numerous issues. First of all there are different levels of changes possible: a makeover (a new design) and a repair. Repair Logo repair is suitable in case the logo just need a little simplification, or perhaps a more technically proficient rendering. This is the least difficult case and the most frequent as the modern technologies require new technical specifications. For example logo design should be easily reproduced on web colours. Also stationery and letterhead design can be unfoundedly expensive to reproduce if the colours are not suitable. In addition too complicated logo with small details also can be problematic. A logo repair involves a re-rendering of the artwork so that a new improved logo become versatile and more adaptable and can be used in a range of a media. Also not the least of the factors logo repair allows for slow integration into the branding material brochures, cards and signs. After the logo has been re-rendered into new editable format, the various design components can be improved, such as colours and fonts. Brand symbols gradual change Paul Temporal (2002) discusses few examples of the companies which are not going to change their logos anytime soon. As they already have spent tremendous sums of money to get their logos into the public eye. For instance it is definitely not the design that makes the Nike logo swoosh impressive, but the recognition factor. This logo was created by Caroline Davidson in 1971 for only $35, yet its still a strong, memorable logo, effective even without colour and easily scalable. It represents the wing of the Greek goddess of victory, Nike and is perfect for a sporting apparel business. However, Nike is still trying to make their image more amusing. The Nike font style has been transformed many times, in an attempt to keep up with changes in taste and design sensibility. The Microsoft Windows logo also went through number of insignificant design changes. Introduced in 1995 the first logo was extremely simple just a graphic representation of a flying window. Afterwards the Windows icon had become much more refined: 3D, glowing and with a new font. It still remained in the same design family as the transformation was not beyond recognition, but became glossy and modern. Apple was the first computer firm which did not use its name as its corporate identity, even the word Macintosh is the name of an apple variety. The idea of selling a computer under the name and image of an apple was conceived by Steve Jobs and his colleagues. Apple computers also developed their Apple icon from a rainbow-striped version to a solid and much classier modern icon in the late nineties. The Apple icon has remained pretty stable over the years, but its treatment has changed on several occasions in order to maintain the logos strength while adapting to the corporations current marketing focus. Makeover Brand symbols makeover is a creation of a new image and new attributes for the brand image. Logos are main symbols of a companys brand identify and are fundamental to consumer recognition. Decision to make a logo redesign has its risks and rewards. According to Aaker a company logo can be maintained for up to 20 years serving as an enduring symbol of a company impact and existence. (Aaker (2004), pp 112-127) However a company can decide to change its logo for several significant reasons which include changing customer and industry trends or changes in the companys business focus and market strategy. Also a merger and acquisition is a frequent reason for logo makeover, as new logo should represent new merged company. The process of changing an already established logo should be approached carefully, it is important to define whether there is a need for a completely new logo or a significant makeover of the already existing logo. The risks involved in changing the current logo include first of all potential losses in brand equity that has been built after lots of hard work and significant financial investment over the years. Also customers brand loyalty can be affected. Current clients used to seeing previous logo in company marketing collaterals like envelopes, business cards and letterheads may not immediately connect with the new logo. Logo makeover is a risky and difficult step which can be performed only once. Since the first time it can be interpreted and justified as an improvement. Any more changes can unfavourably affect the company. The reputation would be affected, and the company would look unsure of its identity, its future and its consumer environment. On the other hand a well executed logo makeover can help a company project a new image as a forward thinking company and achieve new visions of possibilities. The benefits of a logo redesign or significant makeover could include repositioning of the companys brand in the mind of customers and reflection of the company new business focus or direction. While a logo makeover gives the impression of relatively painless process, it includes a total renovation of the brand identity. Though represents a considerable costs, risks and disturbance to the marketing effectiveness. Logo makeover can significantly shape company brand identify and relationship with already existing customers. Despite all the risks and potential expenses a successful logo makeover can bring a great profit to the company. Change of brand identity Brand identity assessment The starting point of any brand identity transformation is careful appraisal and defining target market and unique selling position of the company. Afterwards these findings will facilitate the development of new brand identity. Brand identity include everything from customer perception and experience to quality, brand look and design, to customer care, retail and website, and even the tone and voice of communications. Defining corporate identity is often difficult, and the clues to what factors shape identity vary widely among industries and firms. To be ready for change at any time, managers must be more aware of how key stakeholders, such as employees, customers, investors and the community, view the companys identity. Change, when necessary, should then be structured so that it does not run counter to this perceived view. Effective rebrands are based on a detailed analysis of every activity in the company including objectives, target markets, budget and resources, timeframe, known and unknown parameters, approval structure and stakeholders. Opposition to change in a brand identity is inevitable in most of the cases. Therefore managements task is to identify potential opposition and find ways to neutralize it. It is often useful to start the process of rebranding with discussion involving all the employees of the main idea behind the companys business, what its customers need and what they will need in the future. Sometimes a research can be helpful to determine the potential as well as current situation. When the idea is defined a model that will best represent that idea should be considered. Only after these steps are successfully implemented new visual identity, actual logo and all other new imagery can be created. Lofty aims of rebranding Value of the brand can be hardly overestimated and all the companies are striving to possess this intangible value. Therefore as temporal progress is going further some companies may find it necessary to revise their brand identity in order to have an up-to-date image, to be relevant and appealing to potential and actual consumers and the changing market situation. Lambkin and Muzellec (2006) studied more than 150 rebranding examples and formulate a hypothesis that regardless of reasons it invoke, rebranding aims at appealing, regaining, transferring and/or recreating the corporate brand equity. The aim of rebranding is therefore always a vast improvement of the brand image, though not always reachable. Rebranding can mean a variety of different things, from simple change of the company name to more deep changes of the brand identity policy such as change of logo and colour palette. Rebranding is relevantly easy if the changes are intentionally small to ensure continuity with the past, but also to reposition the company as contemporary. Difficult case is a complete rebranding which means change of the brand image in order to reposition the established brand in the market. Rebranding is always made in attempt of reposition the brand in the market and minds of consumers when brand identity is not anymore appealing, current brand positioning is not valid for the target market anymore, or target market changes. Sometimes companies make rebranding to distance themselves from certain negative connotations of the previous branding. For example if the brand has a controversial image, a repositioning is required to improve the flawed reputation. However the main reason for a rebranding is to communicate a new message for a company. The goal of rebranding is to renovate brand image and differentiate situation for stakeholders and market position. Far from just a change of visual identity, rebranding should be part of an overall brand strategy for a product or service. (Lambkin, Muzellec (2006), p. 2) Brand image is one of the most precious assets, and that value is a culmination of many years investment and commitment. Deep understanding of initial brand values and thorough research are required for the rebranding undertaking because of the huge impact on a company position that rebranding or even change of a logo can invoke. Launch of the new brand identity should be also made in a delicate and systematic manner in order to avoid pushing away old customers, while aiming to attract new one. Establishing trust and emotional bounds based on careful strategy are critical in the rebranding process. Appropriate rebranding strategy, consistent product or service quality, sensible pricing and effective distribution will help to rebuilt brand awareness and create associations in customer memory after rebrand implementation. Rebranding is expensive and involves a quantity of risks. Necessity to explain to loyal customers the reasons of rebranding and its benefits has to be anticipated. This is an expensive and not one hundred per cent successful undertaking. A company normally decide to undertake rebranding with all its cost, efforts and risks only if there are very good reasons for it. Reasons for brand identity change Though rebranding is always an earnest undertaking reasons for it can be sometimes ridiculous or unfounded. A company might want to transfer already existing identity into a new name, identity policy or positioning for a number of reasons, in order to respond to external or internal concerns. The most common reason is attempt to stay modern, signal a change in direction, focus, attitude or strategy, if a company has a feeling that the brand image has become old-fashioned. In a fast-changing environment it can be useful to change because of globalisation, declining profitability or consumer indifference. The other reason is differentiation from competitors and willingness to overcome them. Gaining bad press or bad events experience would normally promote a corporate identity change. Also the launch of new businesses that are significantly different from the traditional one can be a reason. However big companies very often have so-called rebranding cycles in order to stay current with the times or set themselves ahead of the competition. (Temporal (2002), pp 112-117) Companies also utilize rebranding as an effective marketing tool to hide discomposure of the past and to shed negative connotations that could potentially affect profitability. The attraction of new customers Ambition to target a new market is a most common reason for rebranding. A good example of such attempt can be Cadillac which in recent times designed a range of new cars to provide a trendy, youthful look to their brand image.ÂÂ   A lot of companies nowadays want to appear modern and progressive. A practice of changing company logo and name in attempt to attract new customers became one of the most common and widespread in recent decades. The name for a product sometimes doesnt sound good and the logo can be obsolete or inappropriate for the marketing strategy. However logo or brand symbols redesign in order to make company current or fashionable is the worst possible solution. There is always a high risk that change of the logo will alienate customers instead of attracting new one. Recent rebranding of the Pepsi logo which was made in attempt to attract new customers is perfect example of how unsuccessful it can be. Made by Arnell Group the Pepsi rebranding took three year and cost approximately $1 billion. Pepsi wanted to make a complete packaging and marketing rebranding of its soft drinks. The white stripe on the new logo supposed to be smiles, but all the efforts were barren, consumer